Saturday, April 18, 2015

Monsters On pohela boishakh.

I'm sure everone knows by now about the heinous acts of harassment committed by some monsters on Pohela Boishakh. The incident has bothered me deeply for a number of reasons, and it took me a while to gather the right words to address the walking shitbags who were responsible for these horrible acts -- something that i'm going to do right now.
1. Please explain which part of your religion allows you to even touch an unknown woman with vulgar intent, let alone harass her in public with your terrifying mob, regardless of what she has decided to wear. Does Islam not teach you to avert your gaze? Even the Prophet (pbuh) once reprimanded his cousin for constantly staring at a beautiful woman, and he didn't say a word to her, let alone subject her to harassment for it. Because decency is something that needs to be realized internally before anything else. Therefore, by what twisted logic do you hypocrites claim to be ambassadors of decency and faith while committing such a blatant violation of religious doctrine with your filthy hands?
2. A person's relationship with God is a strictly personal matter for him/her, and other people have no business there. If a woman chooses to wear a certain item of clothing, especially one that is perfectly suited to a certain occasion (because, contrary to popular moronic beliefs, religion and culture are separate things), that is entirely her decision, and if it is a sin, she shall answer for it to God. It is entirely between her and Allah, and she is most certainly not liable to answer for it to any human being.
3. A) Some idiots have been whining about how 'indecent' clothing results in a loss of moral values and encourages decadence in society. Seriously? Are you an intelligent human being, or an animal that has not yet managed to evolve past its base eat-defecate-mate-reproduce-die instincts? Is the sight of a partially exposed female body enough to make you lose all your moral sensibilities (if you had them in the first place), and make you do things that are expected only of animals in mating heat? A woman is a living person, a human being, and she is most certainly not candy or fruits or all the other inanimate things you bigoted jackasses love comparing her to.
3. B) If that is indeed the case with you, then I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you have no social values or morality left to lose in the first place, no matter how much 'indecency' you are exposed to, so you have one less thing to worry about. The bad news is that if mere clothes worn by a person can make you lose control of yourself, it is your own sense of decency and morals that are absent. Fix yourself first, then you can worry about fixing the society -- because, chances are YOU are what is wrong with the society.
4. Look, let's just face it -- we all know with absolute clarity that the 'choice of attire' thing is just an excuse for you to harass women. If you are a horny pervert with a taste for female flesh, there's no need to sugarcoat the situation with nice issues like 'decency'. If 'decency' or 'appropriate clothing' had been the issue, little pre-teen girls or girls in full-body burqas or old women would never have been assaulted, but their assaults are and continue to be a fairly regular thing. If you are aroused by the sight of anything that remotely resembles a woman, please do the world a favour and drop the façade of being a moral crusader. Just admit that you are an incorrigible pervert. At least it would be more honest of you. Our religion does not teach us to go around harassing women as we please either, so can you kindly not use that as an excuse as well? Thanks.
5. Regardless of what a woman wears or does not wear, it is NOT an invitation for you to come and touch her (and/or more), unless she explicitly provides verbal consent for it. Even if she is not wearing a single thread, you still don't have the right to do a thing to her unless she allows it. She is the sole owner of her own body, as much as you are the owner of your own body. How would YOU feel if an aggressive mob of men descended upon you in a public place, and started to tear off the clothes from your body while groping and biting you? How sweet would your own medicine taste then? Not nice? Oh, so now you hyenas finally know how those women felt. Is that something you want to wish upon yourself or your loved ones?
6. Furthermore, even if you are somehow absolutely sure that wearing certain clothes is a sin, who are YOU to judge the person who wears them? Are you under the impression that God retired and left you in charge of judging people and 'punishing' them as you saw fit? What gives you this authority as a mere human? By harassing her, you are not wiping away her sins or preventing her from sinning in the future. You are merely adding more sins to your own tally through such actions. Nice job, Einstein.
7. Here's a suggestion: keep it in your pants if you don't want it lying on the pavement severed from your body. Worry about your own sins before you even dare to think about those of others. Because, chances are you won't like what you realize about yourself if you dare to think hard enough.
On a much brighter note, I recently noticed a great many of my ‪#‎murids‬and ‪#‎muridettes‬ putting up a brave fight against the monstrous perpetrators of this offense and their whiny supporters. You have my utmost respect and prayers from the bottom of my heart. Fight the good fight, people. It won't save the world, perhaps, but it can save our nation's humanity. And that, boys and girls, is still worth a shot.

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